Edson Munis - Skateboarder and Policeman is running for state deputy and seeks to evolve the sport! - Skateboard news

Edson Munis - Skateboarder and Policeman is running for state deputy and seeks to evolve the sport! - Skateboard news
Edson Munis - Skateboarder and Policeman is running for state deputy and seeks to evolve the sport! - Skateboard news
Edson Munis - Skateboarder and Policeman is running for state deputy and seeks to evolve the sport! - Skateboard news
Edson Munis - Skateboarder and Policeman is running for state deputy and seeks to evolve the sport! - Skateboard news

Learn about the mandate plan of the State Candidate of the state of São Paulo Edson Muniz o Policer Skater.

Come and see the plan  - https://www.policialskatista.com/

Vote - 77177 - Candidate for State Deputy Police Skater

The biggest skate magazine in the country

Access: https://www.flow.page/deccsmagazine